AP ICET 2017 Question Paper Shift-2


Read the passage below and choose the correct answer

Communication is essentially a social affair. Man has evolved a host of different systems of communication. which render his social life possibleā€”social life not in the sense of living in packs for hunting or for making war, but in a sense unknown to animals. Most prominent among all these systems of communication is of course, human speech and language. Human language is not to be equated with the sign system of animals: he can with his remarkable faculties of speech give utterance to almost any thought. Speech and writing are by no means our only system of communication. Social intercourse is greatly strengthened by habits of gesture ā€” little movements of the hand and face. Also. we have economic systems for trafficking not in ideas but in material goods and services; the tokens of communication are coins, bonds, letters of credit and so on. But life in the modern world is coming to depend more and more upon ā€˜technicalā€™ means of communication. telephone and telegraph, radio and printing. Without such technical aids the modern city ā€”state could not exist one week,for it is only by means of them that trade and business can proceed.

Question 191

What renders social life possible for man?

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Question 192

The author believes that speech and writing are

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Question 193

Which is not a token of communication?

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Question 194

Social intercourse is augmented by

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Question 195

The modern world banks upon -------- kind of communication.

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Read the following passage and answer question

Now.if there are groups of people who have a claim to other people's labour and self-denial. and if there are other people's labour and self-denial, and if there are other people whose labour and self denial liable to be claimed by the first groups. then there certainly are ā€œclassesā€. and classes of the oldest and most vicious type. For a man who can command another manā€™s labour and self-denial for the support of his own existence 1s a privileged person of the highest species conceivable on earth. Princes and pampers meet on this plane. and no other men are on it. On the other hand, a man whose labour and self-denial may be diverted from his maintenance to that of some other man is not a freeman, and approaches more or less toward the position of a slave. Therefore we shall find that. in all the notions which weare to discuss. this elementary contradiction. that there are classes and that there are not classes, will produce repeated confusion and absurdity. We shall find that. in our efforts to eliminate the old vices of class government. we are impeded and defeated by newproducts of the worst possible distinction ā€” the right to claim and the duty to give one manā€™s effort for another manā€™s satisfaction. We shall find that effort to realize equality necessitates a sacrifice ofliberty.

It is very popular to pose as a ā€œfriend of humanityā€™. or a ā€œfriend of the working classesā€™. Anything which has a charitable sound generally passes without
investigation, because it is disagreeable to assail it. Whatever may be oneā€™s private sentiments. the fear of appearing cold and hard-hearted causes these conventional theories of social duty and these assumptionsofsocial fact to pass unchallenged.

Question 196

Which word in the opening line indicates that the passage is taken from the middle of a text?

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Question 197

Who are more like slaves?

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Question 198

ā€˜Pass without investigationā€™ means

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Question 199

ā€˜assailā€™ means

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Question 200

What is the main effect of the fear of appearing cold and hard-hearted?

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