The following questions follow a definite pattern. Oberve the same and fill in the blanks with suitable answers.
$$\frac{1}{2}, \frac{8}{5}, \frac{27}{10}, \frac{64}{17}, \frac{125}{26}, \frac{216}{37}$$, __________
The following table gives the sales of toys (in thousands ) of types A, B, C, D, E by a company in 5 years from 2014 to 2018. Based on this information given in the following table answer the questions.
The year in which toy of type 'C' registered highest growth in sales over the previous years.
The type of toy that registered highest percent of sales in 2017 over its previous year is
The percentage of increase in sales of toys of type B in the year 2018 in comparison with the year 2014 is
The following Pie chart depicts the distribution of Annual expenditure of a company under 6 broad heads. Based on this data answer the questions.
If the expenditure under the head A is Rs 60 lakhs what is the total annual expenditure of the company? (in lakhs of rupees)?
What is the percentage of the expenditure of the company under the head E in the total annual expenditure of the company?