Question 16

The number of distinct integer solutions (x, y) of the equation $$\mid x + y \mid + \mid x - y \mid = 2$$, is

Correct Answer: 8


The moduli will give out only non-negative outputs, and since we are to consider only integer values of x and y, this drastically reduces the possible cases.Ā 

We can get 2 from either 2+0 or 1+1

We get a 2+0 form when either the first term or the second term is 0
The second term is 0; thisĀ is when x=y, in this case,|2x|=2, where x can be 1 or -1; therefore, the two cases are (1,1) and (-1,-1)
The first term is 0; thisĀ is the case when x = -y, in this case, |x- (-x)|=2, giving x=1 or -1 yet again, here the two cases are (1,-1) and (-1,1)

The other way we can get 2 is through 1+1

This is possible when one of the terms is 0; if y=0, |x|+|x|=2, where x can be 1 or -1, giving two cases (1,0) and (-1,0)
Similarly,y for x=0, we get two cases, (0,1) and (0,-1)

Therefore, there are 8 pairs of (x,y) that satisfy the given equation.Ā 

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