
Answer the following questions based on the information given below.
A survey of movie goers from five cities A, B, C, D and E is summarized below. The first column gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The second column gives the total number of viewers who view one or more movies per week

Question 112

The total number of all movie goers in the five cities who watch less than one movie per week is


The total number of moviegoers in a city = Number of people who watch less than 1 movie per week + Number of people who watch one or more movie per week

For city A, the percentage of viewers who watch less than one movie a week = 60, hence the percentage of viewers who view one or more movies per week = 100-60 = 40

=> 40% of the total number of viewers in A = 2400    => The total number of viewers = $$\ \frac{\ 2400\times\ 100}{40}$$ = 6000

=> The number of viewers who watch less than one movie a week = $$6000\times\ \frac{\ 60}{100}$$ =3600

Similarly, we can tabulate the data for the rest of the cities:

The total number of all moviegoers in the five cities who watch less than one movie per week = 3600+750+13600+3300+24000 = 45250

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