
Answer the following questions based on the information given below.
A survey of movie goers from five cities A, B, C, D and E is summarized below. The first column gives the percentage of viewers in each city who watch less than one movie a week. The second column gives the total number of viewers who view one or more movies per week

Question 111

A city with second lowest number of movie watchers is


The total number of moviegoers in a city = Number of people who watch less than 1 movie per week + Number of people who watch one or more movie per week

For city A, the percentage of viewers who watch less than one movie a week = 60, hence the percentage of viewers who view one or more movies per week = 100-60 = 40

=> 40% of the total number of viewers in A = 2400    => The total number of viewers = $$\ \frac{\ 2400\times\ 100}{40}$$ = 6000

=> The number of viewers who watch less than one movie a week = $$6000\times\ \frac{\ 60}{100}$$ =3600

Similarly, we can tabulate the data for the rest of the cities:

Both A and D have second lowest number of movie watchers. B is the answer.

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