TS ICET 28th July 2022 Shift-2


The following pie-chart shows the expenditure of a family. Based on this information answer the questions from 49 to 51.

Question 51

If the total income of the family is Rs.144000, then the amount (in rupees) spent by family on Rent and Education is

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In a group of 100 persons, each reads at least one among three news papers T, E and H, 8 read a ll the three, 20 read both T and E, 18 read both E and Hand 14 read both T and H, 60 read E and 46 read T. Based on this data, answer the questions 52-55.

Question 52

How many persons read only H?

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Question 53

How many persons read exactly two among the three E, T and H?

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Question 54

The ratio between the number of persons who read E and T is

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Question 55

The percentage of persons who read T is

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In a certain code each consonant is coded as $$(n + 4) (mod 26)^{th}$$ consonant and each vowel is coded as the next vowel cyclically. The reverse process is used for decoding.

Based on this information answer the questions from 56 to 60.

Question 56

OVAL is coded as

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Question 57

ICET is coded as

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Question 58

Which word is coded as ORANGE?

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Question 59

SECTION is coded as

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Question 60

Which word is coded as BULLET?

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