TS ICET 2018 Shift 1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 121

A person walking along a straight road towards a hill observes at two points with distance $$\sqrt{3}$$ km. between them the angles of elevation of the hill to be $$30^\circ$$ and $$60^\circ$$. What is the height of the hill?

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Question 122

$$\sqrt{(ab - ac - bc)^2 + 4abc(a + b)} =$$

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Question 123

$$a + b + c = 9; a^2 + b^2 + c^2 = 27 \Rightarrow ab + bc + ca =$$

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Question 124

If $$x^2 - 3x + 2$$ is a factor of $$x^3 - 6x^2 + ax + b$$, then (a, b) =?

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Question 125

The remainder obtained when $$9^{19} + 6$$ is divided by 8 is

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Question 126

If $$\frac{6}{x + y} + \frac{15}{x - y} = 8$$ and $$\frac{10}{x + y} - \frac{9}{x - y} = 2$$ then 3x + 2y =

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Question 127

In a triangle PQR, $$\angle P = x^\circ, \angle Q = 3x^\circ, \angle R = y^\circ$$. If $$3y - 5x = 30$$, then the triangle is

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Question 128

If -22 is the $$n^{th}$$ term of the arithmetic progression 5, 2, -1, ......., then n =

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Question 129

If the sum of the first three terms of a geometric progression is $$\frac{39}{10}$$ and if their product is 1. Then common ratio is

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Question 130

If the $$21^{st}$$ and $$22^{nd}$$ terms in the expansion of $$(1 + x)^{44}$$ are equal then x =

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