TS ICET 2018 Shift 1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 91

In an examination minimumpass percentage is 40. If a candidate gets 75 marks and fails by 25 marks then the maximum mark in the examinationis?

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Question 92

A person sold a table at profit of $$6\frac{1}{2}\%$$ Had he sold it for Rs. 1250 more. he would have gained 19%. Thenthe cost of that table (in rupees) is?

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Question 93

A person purchased a property and sold $$\frac{3}{4}th$$ of the property with 10%profit. If he receives Rs. 120000 as profit through part of the sale, then total price of the property (in lakhs of rupees) is?

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Question 94

P, Q and R invested capitals in the ratio 2 : 3 : 5, the timing of their investments being in the ratio 4 : 5 : 6. In what ratio would their profits be distributed?

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Question 95

Ravi and Shyamare partners in a business. Ravi contributes $$\frac{1}{4}$$ of the capital for 15 months and Shyam receives $$\frac{2}{3}$$ of the total profits. For how long Shyam’s money was in the business?

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Question 96

Three taps P, Q, R can separately fill a cistern in 6 min, 12 min and 15 min respectively. While a fourth tap S can empty the cistern in 4 min. If all the four taps are opened together whenthe cistern is empty. in what time (in minutes) the cistern is full?

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Question 97

Pipes P and Q can fill a cistern in 12 minutes and 15 minutes respectively. Both are opened together but after 3 minutes P is turned off. After how much more time (in minutes) will the cistern be filled?

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Question 98

A man travels $$\frac{1}{2}$$ of the total distance with a speed of 40 kmph, $$\frac{1}{3}$$ distance at a speed of 50 kmph and the remaining distance at a speed of 100 kmph. Then the average speed in kmph is?

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Question 99

A person travels from his home to office at a speed of 20 kmph and reaches office late by 15 min. Next day he travels at a speed of 30 kmphand reaches office 15 min early. Then the distance from his hometo office in k.m.s is?

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Question 100

Mr. A alone canfinish a piece of work in 24 days. For the same work. to finish alone B and C require 18 days and 12 days respectively. The 3 persons worked for 4 days and then A left the job, then the numberof days required to finish the remaining work by B and C together is?

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