
Reading Comprehension:

The strength of the pharmaceutical industry is evident in the existence of 5,877 manufacturing units in India producing 20,000 formulations under 8,000 branded names. This rosy picture of the pharmaceutical industry however is reflected neither in availability of drugs for important public health problems nor in the affordability of drugs for domestic users. The innumerable formulationsproduced, packaged and sold by pharmaceutical companies do not reflect the seriousness of important public health requirements in India. Take for example, formulations to treat iron deficiency anemia, a highly prevalent public health problem affecting the majority of adolescent girls and pregnant women. If we examine the iron preparations that are in the 300 top selling drugs in India, none of them is the simple iron sulphate and folic acid tablet that the National List of
Essential Medicines (NLEM) recommends. In addition, a course of drugs to treat this ailment could cost a wage laborer up to two months wages.

There are over 20,000 drug formulations in India. Their prices are poorly regulated, if at all. There is wide variation between the minimum and maximum cost of drugs for a range of medicinal classes. Among commonly used drugs in clinical practice, such as antibiotics, anti-hypertensives and diabetic drugs, prices often vary from 2 to 20 times between the minimum and maximum price
bands. Drugs for conditions like cancer, rheumatological diseases and erectile dysfunction have a 20-fold price variation across brands. The pharmaceutical sector is the only one in India (and probably in the world) where government tender procurement prices are 1 to 3 per cent of the retail market prices! This if anything indicates the level of overpricing at the retail level. An example: a drug company bids to supply albendazole 400 mg tablets, a medicine for worms, to the Tamil Nadu government at a mere 35 paise per tablet, while brands of this drug sell for Rs.16 in the open market. Thus, while the markets have been profitable for the pharmaceutical industry, they have been disastrous for the end-users who are hit both by the disease and the unaffordable medications that they are made to buy.

We may infer therefore that the cost of branded medications (or branded generics) is several times the cost of the unbranded generics of the same drug. For drug companies, the only criterion seems to be - both logically and internationally - to sell at what the market can take, and this means at the perceived (not the same as real, scientific) value of the drug. Further in India, the same drug is sold at vastly different prices by equally reputed companies and often by the same company.

Question 91

According to the author what does the availability of drugs with over 20,000 formulations indicate in the present scenario?

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Question 92

In the overall context of the passage, what does the example of iron deficiency illustrate?

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Question 93

What is the clearest indicator of overpricing of drugs?

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Question 94

What is the main argument extended by the author in the passage given above?

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Question 95

How may we understand the author’s use of the phrase “perceived value of the drug”?

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Reading Comprehension:

Social psychology is as old as homosapiens on this earth. Throughout the recorded history, social nature of man has intrigued scholars, artists, and social reformers. Their work has significant bearing on understanding how people relate with others and conduct their social life. Scriptures, artifacts, music, poetry, all have contributed to this endeavour. What has intrigued scholars is the evidence of both, universality and uniqueness of social behaviour in different cultures. People have lived together in all cultures as family, community and nation, though they may not have learned to live together in peace. Human nature has essentially remained the same ever since. It seems that many of the questions which ancient social psychology raised are the same which contemporary social psychology is striving to answer. However, rapid social, economic, and political changes sweeping across the oceans and continents have thrown up many new questions for social psychologists. Many new theories and methods are being developed to unravel general principles of social interaction. It is therefore, not surprising that the quests and concerns in discourses of Plato and Aristotle were similar to those of the ancient Indian thinkers, like Manu, Gautam, Yagyavalkya and Kautilya. They were all concerned with the sustenance of social institutions to uphold the social code of conduct, while preserving human freedom. It was always considered important that people get socialized to conform to social authority and internalize family values and traditions. At the same time all societies have experimented with various systems to strike a match between social norms and individual aspirations. Social conflicts, violence, exploitations throughout the ages had kept social thinkers busy to examine geneses and expound solutions. Social psychology has evolved as a discipline to grapple with the issues of understanding social interactional process. The endeavour is to find ways to maintain ideal social conditions in which people can live together in peace and harmony.

However, apart from this common quest to understand and transform human behaviour, there are differences in the world-views; the ways in which the social reality is analyzed, explained and rendered meaningful in western and non-western cultures, like India. The difference is not just in erms of the methods of inquiry but more basic in terms of ontological reality of human existence. The comparison is further complicated by the fact that whereas Indian sages concentrated on the 'ideal' state, the Western scholars focused on observed reality of the interaction between man and society. The purpose of juxtaposing world-views of these different societies here is to examine the progress of western social psychology and its implications for understanding social issues and problems we are facing in India. A critical appraisal would enable us to view the knowledge base of social psychology with particular reference to Indian work.

Question 96

Scholars of social psychology have been fascinated by

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Question 97

Why is it that many of the questions which ancient social psychology raised (seem to be) the same which contemporary social psychology is striving to answer?

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Question 98

Who was concerned with the sustenance of social institutions?

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Question 99

What is the role of ‘family values and traditions’ in social psychology?

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Question 100

Why do the authors intend to critically analyse western research in social psychology?

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