MAT 2006 Question Paper


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 121

An application was received by inward clerk in the afternoon of a week day. Next day, he forwarded it to the table of the senior clerk, who was on leave that day. The senior clerk put up the application to the desk officer next day in the evening. The desk officer studied the application and disposed off the matter on the same day, ie Friday. The application was received by the inward clerk on

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Question 122

In a queue of children, Kashish is fifth from the left and Mona is sixth from the right. When they interchange their places among themselves, Kashish becomes thirteenth from the left. Then, what will be Mona's position from the right?

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Question 123

If the numbers from 1 to 45 which are exactly divisible by 3 are arranged in ascending order, minimum number being on the top, then which number would come at the ninth place from the top?

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Question 124

Which letter should be the ninth letter to the left of the ninth letter from the right, if the first half of the alphabets of English are reversed?

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Question 125

In a family, a couple has a son and a daughter. The age of the father is three times that of his daughter and the age of the son is half of his mother. The wife is 9 years younger to her husband and the brother is seven years older to his sister. What is the age of the mother?

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Question 126

A number of friends decided to go on a picnic and planned to spend Rs 96 on eatables. Four of them did not turn up. As a consequence, each of the remaining ones had to contribute Rs 4 extra. The number of those who attended the picnic was

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Question 127

Out of a total of 120 musicians in a club, 5% can play all the three instruments --- guitar, violin and flute. It so happens that the number of musicians who can play any two and only two of the above instruments is 30. The number of musicians who can play the guitar alone is 40. What is the total number of those who can play violin alone or flute alone?

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Question 128

There are 50 students admitted to a nursery class. Some students can speak only English and some can speak only Hindi. Ten students can speak both English and Hindi. If the number of students who can speak English is 21, then how many students can speak Hindi, how many can speak only Hindi and how many can speak only English?

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Question 129

The letters of the name of a vegetable are I, K, M, N, P, P, U. If the letters are rearranged correctly, then what is the last letter of the word formed?

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Question 130

At a farm, there are hens, cows and bullocks, and keepers to look after them. There are 69 heads less than legs; the number of cows is double than that of the bullocks; the number of cows and hens is the same and there is one keeper per ten birds and cattle. The total number of hens plus cows and bullocks and their keepers does not exceed 50. How many cows are there?

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