ISRO Scientist or Engineer Electronics 2018


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 51

Consider waveforms $$\cos(2 \pi f_1 t + \theta)$$ and $$\cos(2 \pi f_2 t), (f_1 > f_2)$$, to be used for non-coherent binary FSK signalling. If the symbol duration is T seconds, and $$\theta$$ is constant arbitrary angle from 0 to $$2 \pi$$, what is the minimum separation required between $$f_1$$ and $$f_2$$ for non-coherent, orthogonal FSK?

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Question 52

Let $$X(e^{j \omega}) = \sum_{n = -\infty}^{\infty} x[n] e^{-j \omega n}$$ and $$x[n] = \frac{1}{2 \pi} \int_{-\pi}^{\pi}X(e^{j \omega})e^{j \omega n}d \omega$$. If $$X(e^{j \omega}) = \frac{1}{(1 - 0.2e^{-j \omega})(1 - 0.1e^{-j \omega})}$$, what is x[n] in terms of unit discrete step function u(n)?

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Question 53

What is the content of Accumulator in binary after execution of following 8051 Assembly code :
MOVA, #27H
MOVB, #10

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Question 54

In a 16-Bit micro-controller if a two-dimensional integer array A[5][7] is stored at base location 0x8000, Whatis the address of A[4][2]?

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Question 55

Contentof variable flag after following ā€˜Cā€™ code execution:
Unsigned char flag = 0 $$\times$$ 7 C
flag = flag $$\mid 0 \times 80$$;
flag = flag $$\mid (1 << 4)$$;
flag &=~ (1 << 7);
flag ^= (1 << 6);

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Question 56

Process P1, P2 and P3 with execution time of 6 ms, 4 ms and 2 ms respectively enter in ready state together in order P1, P2, P3. Calculate the waiting and cements of Process P1. Assuming no wait time due to I/O and round robin scheduling with time slot of 2 ms.

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Question 57

A. HDL Coding /RTL Design
B. Synthesis
C. Static Timing Analysis
D. Place and Route
E. Programmingfile generation
What is the correct order of FPGA design flow?

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Question 58

Electric Field of 1 V/m is applied to a Boron doped Silicon semiconductor slab having doping density of $$10^6$$ atoms/cm$$^3$$ at 300K temperature. Determine the approximate resistivity of the slab. (Consider intrinsic carrier concentration of Silicon at 300 K = $$1.5 \times 10^{10}$$ /cm$$^3$$ Hole Mobility = 500 cm$$^2$$/Vsat 300 K; Electron Mobility = 1300 cm$$^2$$/Vs at 300 K).

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Question 59

What will be the voltage reading of DC Voltmeter placed across the terminals of the Diode in the circuit below.

having the following periodical input signalā€˜$$V_i (t)$$ā€™

(Assume cut-in voltage of the Diode = 0 V; Forward resistance of the Diode = 2 Ī©)

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Question 60

A monostatic pulsed radar operating at 30GHz has a transmitter with 2KW O/P power and an antenna with 30dB gain. Minimum detectable signal in the receiver is ā€”100 dBm.
Determine the maximum rangeofthe radar, if it is required to detect a target having radar cross section of 10sq.m (consider $$\log_{10} 4 \pi = 1.1$$). Assume EM wave propagate under ideal conditions.

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