For the following questions answer them individually
$$s^2 - 0.75s + 0.25$$ is the characteristic equation of a second order system. Its response to unit step function will be,
Which modulation scheme would you suggest for high speed data transmission over a fading channel?
For a two port network to be reciprocal, its Scattering parameters must satisfy the following condition, for i = 1, 2 ; j = 1, 2
In the following circuit, what sequence is followed by A and B on rising edge of CLK after reset is de-asserted?
In an axial mode operation of a helical antenna, maximum field radiated by the antenna is:
What is the maximum data rate that can be transmitted using a QPSK modulation with a roll-off factor of 0.2 for a 36 MHz transponder?
Consider a single stage tuned amplifier having 3dB bandwidth of 100KHz. Determine the bandwidth if two such single stage tuned amplifiers are cascaded:
500 Bytes of data needs to be transmitted from an UART every 100ms. What should be the minimum transmission baud rate of UART, assuming1 start bit, 8 data bits and 2 stop bits?