ISRO Scientist or Engineer Computer Science 2009


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 31

A full binary tree with n leaves contains

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Question 32

The expression 1 * 2 ^ 3 * 4 ^ 5 * 6 will be evaluated as

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Question 33

The feature in object-oriented programming that allows the same operation to be carried out differently, depending on the object,is

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Question 34

The microinstructions stored in the control memory of a processor have a width of 26 bits. Each microinstruction is divided into three fields: a micro-operation field of 13 bits, a next addressfield (X), and a MUX selectfield (Y). There are 8 status bits in the inputs of the MUX. How manybits are there in the X and fields, and whatis the size of the control memoryin number of words?

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Question 35

A CPU has 24-bit instructions. A program starts at address 300 (in decimal). Which one ofthe following is a legal program counter(all values in decimal)?

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Question 36

Consider a disk pack with 16 surfaces, 128 tracks per surface and 256 sectors pertrack. 512 bytes of data are stores in a bit serial manner ina sector. The capacity of the disk pack and the numberof bits required to specify a particular sector in the disk are respectively

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Question 37

Consider a pipelined processor with the following four stages
IF: Instruction Fetch
ID: Instruction Decode and Operand Fetch
EX: executed
WB: Write Back
The IF, ID and WB stagestake one clock cycle each to complete the operation. The ADD and SUB instructions need 1 clock cycle and the MUL instruction need 3 clock cycles in the EX stage. Operand forwarding is usedin the pipelined processor. What is the number of clock cycles taken to complete the following sequence of instructions?
ADD R2, R1, RO R2 $$\leftarrow$$ R1 + R0
MUL R4, R3, R2 R4 $$\leftarrow$$ R3 * R2
SUB R6, R5, R4 R6 $$\leftarrow$$ R5 - R4

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Question 38

The use of multiple register windows with overlap causes a reduction in the number of memory accesses for
1.Function locals and parameters
2.Register saves and restores
3.Instruction fetches

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Question 39

A processorthat has carry, overflow and sign flag bits as part of its program status word (PSW)performsaddition of the following two 2’s complement numbers 01001101 and 11101001. After the execution of this addition operation, the status of the carry, overflow and sign flags, respectively will be

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Question 40

The two numbers given below are multiplied using the Booth’s algorithm.
Multiplicand : 0101 1010 1110 1110
Multiplier: 0111 0111 1011 1101
How manyadditions/Subtractions are required for the multiplication of the above two numbers?

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