For the following questions answer them individually
As per NBC 2005, under requirements of parts of buildings, what is the minimum area and width of a habitable room, when there is only one room?
As per NBC 2005, what is the minimum and maximum height of the ceiling of any basement above the average surrounding ground level?
What is the minimum width and height of the passage way required as per NBC 2005 for the fire fighting vehicles to enter the premises at the main entrance?
As per NBC 2005, what is the minimum fire resistance rating for glass faรงade in high rise buildings?
As per NBC 2005, automatic sprinklers shall be installed in basements used as car parks or storage occupancy, if the area exceeds
Based on guide lines and space standards for barrier free built environment for disabled and elderly persons, match the statements in Group I with true or false in Group II.
The climatic factors that influence the optimum orientation of the building from the point of view of lighting and ventilation are