IIFT 2021 Slot 1 Question Paper (23rd Dec)


Read the following passage:

In a B-school admission, a candidate is selected based on an entrance exam score and weightage tograduation stream and gender. Selection is also based on interview. There are 6 graduation streams namely, MBBS, Law, Economics, Fashion Technology, CA and Engineering, which are given different weightswith a difference of 5 each by the B-school. Silos were created for 10 candidates P, Q, R ,S, T, U, V, W, Xand Y to assess their scores and out of 10 candidates, 7 were selected for admission. In a silo not morethan 2 candidates are from the same stream. No candidate was selected from Law stream and the finalscore of each candidate is same as the weightage for the graduation stream. Some more details providedare as follows:

(i). In the silo there are 6 females and 4 males, out of which 4 females and 3 males were selected. Onefemale and one male from the lowest weightage stream were selected with a score of 60.
(ii). Fashion Technology is the stream with highest weightage with only one candidate who is also selectedfrom this stream. R is a male, the only candidate from MBBS and not from the lowest scoring stream, whileQ a female is from engineering and is selected.
(iii). CA has a score of 70 in which 2 candidates appeared but only one female was selected.
(iv). T is from Fashion Technology while P is an engineer. V is an unselected male while U scored 65 and isfrom Economics. 2 candidates from Economics were selected.
(v). W is a selected CA and X and Y are not from the same stream. Y scores 80 while S scores 65.

Question 81

In how many streams were both the appearing candidates selected?

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Question 82

Which statement is always true?

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Question 83

What is the maximum possible difference in the scores of the highest scoring selected femalecandidate and lowest scoring male candidate?

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Question 84

If out of 3 selected males, the highest scoring male withdraws admission, then a male from thewaiting list is selected. In the present silo, from which stream will be a male candidate (from the waitinglist) get selected?

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Read the following passage:

Four colleagues A,B,C and D during lunch time which is from 1:00 - 1:30 pm on a given day go for a walkthrough 2 different routes i.e. they exit from one gate and enter from the other one. A straight path, withinthe office, connects Gates 1 and 2. A and B exit from Gate 1 and enter from Gate 2, and again movetowards Gate 1 using the straight path; while C and D exit from Gate 2 and enter from Gate 1, and againmove towards Gate 2 using the straight path. The routes are in clockwise direction i.e. Gate1 to Gate 2 aperson can only walk in clockwise direction and similarly from Gate 2 to Gate 1. It takes 4 minutes to walkfrom Gate 1 exit to Gate 2 entrance and 6 minutes to walk from Gate 2 exit to Gate 1 entrance. The timetaken to walk from Gate 1 to Gate 2 and vice versa within the office is 1 minute. Initially, the colleaguesleave at a gap of 2 minutes each in the order of B, A, C and D during lunch time. Each person starts thenext round of walk immediately after completing the first round.

Question 85

If A leaves from Gate 1 at 1:02 pm, when will A leave for his third round?

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Question 86

If D leaves Gate 2 at 1:15 pm, following the same sequence as stated in the passage, thenwhich of the two colleagues will meet at Gate 2 before 1:30 pm?

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Read the following passage:

On a picnic trip of a company, 3 hotels Trident, Hilton and Park were booked for 90 employees. 6 of theemployees were willing to stay at any hotel. 12 wanted to stay in only Trident. 18 wanted to stay in onlyPark. Only Hilton had two times the employees as there were in Trident and Park only. Only Hilton and Parkhad three less than only Trident and Hilton. Also not more than 7 employees can stay in only Trident andHilton.

Question 87

How many employees can stay in Hilton?

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Question 88

How many employees can stay in Trident and Hilton only?

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For the following questions answer them individually

Question 89

Complete the following sequence:
5, 72, 412, 2658, __________?

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Question 90

A word arrangement, when rearranged by given input follow a particular rule/logic in each step.Following is an example of input and rearrangement. Study that rule/logic and apply on given problem.
INPUT: manโ€™s mood varies with time and environment
I. Varies with manโ€™s mood environment and time
II. And time environment mood manโ€™s varies with
III. Environment time and varies with mood manโ€™s
IV. And varies environment time manโ€™s mood with
If Step IV reads, 'everyone was aware about their beautiful friendship', what will be the three middle wordsof Step II?

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