AP ICET 2017 Question Paper Shift-2


A sequence of numbers or letters or words or strings of letters that follow a definite pattern is given. Each question has a blank space. This hasto be filled by the correct answer from the four given options to complete the sequence without breaking the pattern.

Question 41

$$(1011)_2, (0111)_2, (0101)_2, ---------, (0010)_2$$

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Question 42

6, 15, 35, 77, ----- 221,

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Question 43

3, 8, 24, 48, 120, ------

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Question 44

6, 24, 60, 120, 210, -------

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Question 45

IMQ, GRO, EIM, -------, AEI

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The children in the age group of five years to twenty five years in a town are categorized into six groups A, B, C, D, E, F based on the level of their studies. as given in the following pie-chart. Using this information, answer the questions.

Question 46

The percentage of children in group F, among the children of the town is

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Question 47

If the group E has 1182 children. then the total number of childrenin the given age group in that town is

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Question 48

If k times the number of children in F is equal to the number of children in B and C put together, then the value of k is

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The following table shows the admissions of students into four Engineering colleges from 2011-12 to 2015-16. Using this information, answer the questions.

Question 49

In which college, admissions are increasing year by year?

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Question 50

Considering the admissions into all the colleges during 2013-2014. the percentage of admissions in the college A that year is

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