The following bar diagram shows the income from the exports of cars in crores of rupees for the years 2013-2019. Study the bar diagram carefully and answer the questions.
In which year the income from the exports is very nearer to the average of its preceeding and succeeding years.
The percentage increase in the income from exports in the year 2017 over its previous year corrected to two decimal places is
The percentage growth in the income from exports in year 2019 over the year 2013, corrected to two decimal places is
Each of the circle in the following Venn diagram represents people in a city speaking 3 languages Telugu (T) , English (E) and Hindi (H). Based on this data answer questions.
What is the number in the Venn diagram that represent the people who speak all the three languages
What is the number in the Venn diagram that represents the people who speak telugu and English but not Hindi?
For the English Alphabets A,B,C .. .. Z a code is designed by the following rules:
(i) The vowels A, E, I, O, U are rotated cyclically as $$A \rightarrow E \rightarrow I \rightarrow O \rightarrow U \rightarrow A$$;
(ii) Each consonant is replaced by the consonant that comes immediately before it as $$B \rightarrow Z, C \rightarrow B, D \rightarrow C, F \rightarrow D$$, ......
(iii) Based on this code answer the questions