Question 43

A producer of a drama theatre is creating his weekend schedule. The producer has six plays to choose from: "Made in India", "Laugh for a while", "The Life is your choice", "MBA - Maha Budhiman Aadmi", "Placements -my goal", "MBA Go Getters". The producer sets a schedule based upon the following criteria.

I. "Made in India" must be shown before "The Life is your choice" and "Laugh for a while"
II. "Laugh for a while" must be shown before "MBA - Maha Budhiman Aadmi"
III. "Placements - my goal" must be shown after "The Life is your choice" and "MBA Go Getters"
Which of the following weekend schedules are consistent with the producer's criteria ?


option 1 is incorrect as in this "Placements - my goal" is shown before "MBA Go Getters" which is against condition 3.
option 3 is incorrect as in this "Placements - my goal" is shown before "The Life is your choice" which is against condition 3.
option 4 is incorrect as in this "Laugh for a while" is shown after "MBA - Maha Budhiman Aadmi" which is against condition 2
Hence option 2 is correct which is satisfying all the conditions.

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