For the following questions answer them individually
Four persons A, B, C, D can be around a track in 24, 48, 60 and 96 seconds respectively. All of them start at point p on the track simultaneously. When they meet at point p at second time the number of rounds made by C is
If n is any odd integer greater than 1 then the largest natural number among the following that certainly divides $$n(n^2 - 1)$$
Two positive integers x, y have their g.c.d =12 and l.c.m. = 5184. If x, y > 12, then x + y =ย
The traffic lights at three different road crossings respectively change after every45 seconds, 75 seconds and 100 seconds. [fall the traftic lights changesinultancously at 9:25:00 hours, then the timeat whichthe lights again change simultaneously
The least number which when divided by numbers 12, 16, 20, 25 leaves 4 as remainder but when divided by 7 leaves no remainder is
The sum of two numbers is 125.Their H.C.F and L.C.M are respectively 25 and 150. Then the sum of their reciprocals is