For the following questions answer them individually
In a certain code language, if AGRA is coded as 1493241, then the code of BHADRA in that code language is
In a certain code language, if ADILABAD is coded as 76547276 and WARANGAL is coded as 37170874, then in the same code language BANGLA is coded as
If $$-$$ denotes addition, $$+$$ denotes multiplications and $$\times$$ denotes division, then $$\left\{(39 \times 13) + 6\right\} - 8 =$$
Read the following:
In a certain code language MONKEY is coded as LNMJDX then consider the following.
Assertion(I): The code of FRANCE is EQZMBD.
Reason(II): The pattern of the given code is $$A \rightarrow Z, B \rightarrow A, C \rightarrow B, D \rightarrow C,...$$
Ina code language BREAK is written as XHUYO. Then, FLUTE is coded in that code language as
If in a code language DREAM is coded as FTGCO, then CURSE is coded in that code language as
In a certain coding every consonant English alphabet is coded as the immediate next consonant and each vowel is codedas its previous vowel. Based on this information answer the following questions.