TS ICET 2018 Shift 1


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 71

A person starts from a point A and travels 3km towards B and then turns left and travels thrice that distance to reach C. He again turns left and travels 5 times the distance he covered between A and B and reaches his destination D. The shortest distance betweenhis departure point and destination?

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Question 72

Seven children A. B. C, D. E. F and G are standing in a line. G is to the right of D and to the left of B. A is on the right of C. A and C have one child between them. E and B have two children between them. Who ts exactly in the middle?

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Question 73

If $$\Box$$ is defined by $$a \Box b = \frac{a - b}{a + b}$$, $$\diamondsuit$$ by $$a \diamondsuit b = \frac{a + b}{a - b}$$, $$rightarrow$$ is defined by $$a \rightarrow b = ab$$, then $$\frac{(55 \Box 5) \rightarrow (77 \diamondsuit 7)}{(2 \Box 3)\rightarrow(4 \diamondsuit 5)} =$$

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Question 74

If $$+$$ means $$\div$$, $$-$$ means $$+$$, $$\times$$ means $$-$$, and $$/$$ means $$\times$$, then the value of the expression
$$[\left\{(17 \times 12) - (4/2)\right\} + (23 - 4)]/9 =$$

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Question 75

For integers a and b, if
$$a \triangle b = (a + b - 3)^2 + 1$$ then $$(1 \triangle 2)\triangle(1 \triangle 2) =$$

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Question 76

$$(256)^{\frac{4}{25}}(16)^{\frac{9}{50}} =$$

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Question 77

If $$a + b + c = 0$$ then $$x^{a^2b^{-1}c^{-1}}.x^{a^{-1}b^2c^{-1}}.x^{a^{-1}b^{-1}c^2} =$$

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Question 78

$$4x^2 + 13y^2 + 9z^2 = 12y(x + z) \Rightarrow x : y : z =

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Question 79

The ratio of the present ages of A and B is 2:3. B is 6 years older than A. The ratio of their ages after 8 years will be?

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Question 80

If $$\sqrt{x} + \sqrt{y} = 13$$ and $$\sqrt{x} - \sqrt{y} = 7$$ then $$\sqrt{xy} = ?$$

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