TS ICET 2014


The expenditure under six heads A, B, C, D, E and F in an year are as given in the following Pie diagram. Answer the questions using the diagram.

Question 51

If the difference in the expenditure under the heads A and B in an year is ₹ 2.5 lakhs, then the total expenditure (in lakhs of rupees) in that year is

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Question 52

If the expenditure under the head E in an year is ₹ 3.5 lakhs, then the expenditure (in lakhs of rupees) under the head D in that year is

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Question 53

In any year the expenditure under the heads C and F together is equal to

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Given that A = {n : n prime, $$1 \leq n \leq 20$$}
B = {n : n odd, $$1 \leq n \leq 20$$}
C = {n : n square, $$1 \leq n \leq 20$$}
Using this answer the questions:

Question 54

$$B \cap C =$$

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Question 55

The number of integers between 1 and 20 which do not lie in $$A \cup B \cup C$$ is

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The letters A, B, C, ......., Z of English alphabet are numbered 1, 2, 3, ......, 26 respectively. A code is designed by shifting $$r^{th}$$ letter to $$(14 - r)^{th}$$ letter $$1 \leq r \leq 13$$ and $$s^{th}$$ letter to $$(40 - s)^{th}$$ letter if $$14 \leq s \leq 26$$. Then reverse process is used for decoding. Using this answer questions given below.

Question 56

The code word for HYDERABAD is

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Question 57

The code word for WARANGAL is

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Question 58

Which word is coded as IPKFMZGI ?

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Question 59

Which word is coded as UIBIKTEYZ

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Question 60

The code word for TIRUPATI is

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