
In each of the following sentences four words or phrases have been underlined. One underlined part in each sentenceis not acceptable in standard English. Pick up that part and mark its number.

Question 41

The government initiated/(1) various measure/(2) to raise/(3) the living standards/(4) of the people.

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Question 42

The book must be/(1) old for/(2) its cover is torn/(3) bad/(4)

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Question 43

The region has a climate so severe that/(1) the plants growing there/(2) had been/(3) rarely more than twelve inches high/(4)

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Question 44

The reason/(1) for my prolonged/(2) absence/(3) from the class was because/(4) I was ill.

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Fill in the blanks with the most appropriate words.

Question 45

When such .............. remarks are circulated, we can only blame and despise those who - produce them.

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Question 46

It would be difficult for one so ............. to be led to believe that all men are equal and that we must disregard race, colour and creed.

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Question 47

The enemy soldiers were hot in pursuit; desperate. The fugitive sought .............. in the village church.

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Question 48

Fitness experts claim that jogging is ............... once you begin to jog regularly, you may be unable to stop, because you are sure to love it more and more all the time.

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Each question below consists of a related pair of words followed by four pairs of words.
Select the pair that best expressesthe relatioship similar to the original pair.

Question 49

Clay: mould::

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Question 50

Play: Acts::

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