MAT 2012 Question Paper


Choose the order of the sentences marked A, B, C, D and E to form a logical paragraph.

Question 31

A. "Are you all right?" I asked, as I helped her to her seat. "That turbulence was as bad as it gets."
B. Flying in the summer means one thing: turbulence.
C. I was working as a flight attendant when we hit a patch of very rough air just after a young teenager, obviously on her first flight, had entered the bathroom.
D. After the bumps had subsided, she exited the bathroom, a look of sheer terror etched on her face.
E. "So that's what it was," she said, "I thought I'd pushed the wrong button."

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Question 32

A. But, transportation is difficult and the Pantanal is little known outside of
B. The people who live here have their fingers crossed.
C. Because if ecotourism doesn't work, there is no alternative waiting.
D. There are now some 60-odd tourist facilities here, most of them small and
locally owned.
E. Worldwide, the jury is still out on the idea of ecotourism and the Pantanal has
become a testing ground.

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Question 33

A. And then suppose you pushed the 'Reverse' button and took a trip in the opposite direction journeying into the dim recesses of the past.
B. Just suppose you could clamber aboard a Time Machine and press the 'Forward' button.
C. You might just land right into your favourite period of history.
D. Zap... would you hurtle forward through a blinding flash of days and nights, months and years-- even long centuries--- perhaps, to land into an alien world of the future....?
E. A world that will be a marvel of technology.

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Rearrange the jumbled alphabets in the following four
options and find the odd word among them.

Question 34
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Question 35
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Question 36
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Each of these questions has a text portion followed by four
alternative summaries. Choose the option that best captures the essence of the text.

Question 37

An employee who is given the financial support and resources to create new
products or systems is called an intrapreneur. Some of the greatest business leaders
of the past made their early mark in business as intrapreneurs. Most progressive
organisations view intrapreneurship as a way to develop and retain the best
manpower and provide an entrepreneurial atmosphere within the organisation. It
also adds to the potential of an otherwise static organisation.

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Question 38

Health these days is being threatened by a growing phenomenon. Bacteria that
cause common life threatening infections are becoming increasingly resistant to
antibiotics. This is due to the widespread use and misuse of such antibiotics.
Antimicrobial resistance needs immediate attention. Self-medication should be
discouraged. Asepsis should be the gospel for the prevention of infection.

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Question 39

Satyagraha, a philosophy and practice of non-violent resistance, has the power to
shame the powerful because it makes a moral statement before the society. But it
is only effective when the practitioner acquires the moral right to undertake the
action. Only a principled person can carry Satyagraha to its logical end. Any
regime, liberal or illiberal, finds it tough to suppress this movement. This weapon
of truth and non-violence rarely fails provided it is used selflessly in public interest.
Satyagraha become Duragraha if it is used as blackmail.

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Question 40

For long, sociologists have warned of the dire consequences of an increasingly
skewed sex ratio. A falling sex ratio is a cumulative process which could lead to
more crimes and violence against women. Without enough brides, men would be
forced to purchase wives leading to human trafficking. This, in turn, would lead
to insecure parents resorting to even more female foeticide and keeping girls
indoors out of fear of their protection. In the long run all the gains made in pushing
for greater female literacy and empowerment could be undone.

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