In each of these questions, there are three sentences marked A, B and C. Find the
two or three sentences which convey the same meaning.
A. The judge remarkedthat not all the accused werereally guilty.
B. The judge remarked that some of the accused were guilty while others were not.
C. The judge remarked that all those who are accused include some who are notreally
Each question has a sentence that has been scrambled and the scrambled parts have been marked A, B, C, Dand E. Find the correct order of the parts to reconstruct the sentence.
A. in different regions of that federation.
B. that was Yugoslavia.
C. the fundamental cause has beenthe very large difference in the quality oflife.
D. although the dismembermentof the federation.
E. is seen more as the result of an ethnic conflict.
A. but there is some merit in it
B. as distinct from consumption
C. the bifurcation of plan and non-plan funds
D. in so far as it focuses attention on development expenses
E. in the budgetis artificial
A. like the industrialised countries
B. as if they are to be suffered as relics of a backward past
C. we have specially drawn attention to the non-motorized
D. because they are completely overlooked in transport planning
E. till replaced by faster petroleum fuelled transport
A: he was highly sensitive and resentful
B: towards the country or to those
C: when there was even implied discourtesy
D: while he was extremely gentle and tolerant
E: he held in honour
For the given word at the top of each table, match the dictionary definition on the left (A, B, C, D) with their corresponding usage on the right (E, F, G, H). Out of the four possibilities given below the table, select the one that has all the definitions and their usage correctly matched.