MAT 2005 Question Paper


Study the following graph carefully to answer the question
Production Of Paper (in lakh tonnes) By 3 Different Companies A, B and C Over The Years

Question 101

What is the difference between the average production per year of the company with highest average production and that of the company with lowest average production in lakh tonnes?

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These questions are based on the table below:
Candidates appeared and passed

Question 102

For the candidates from whichof the following location was three continuous increase both in appeared and passed?

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Question 103

In which of the following years was the percentage passed to appeared candidates from semi-urban area the least?

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Question 104

What approximate value was the percentage drop in the number of semi-urban candidates appeared from 1991 to 1992?

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Question 105

In 1993 percentage of candidates passed to appeared was approximately 35 from which

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Question 106

The total number of candidates passed from Rural in 1993 and Semi-urban in 1990 was exactly equal to the total number of candidates passed from State capital in which of the following years

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The following pie charts exhibit the distribution of the overseas tourist traffic from India. The two charts show the tourist distribution by country and the age profile of the tourist respectively. Examine the charts carefully to answer those questions.

Question 107

The ratio of the number of Indian tourists that went to USA to the number of Indian tourists who we below 30 years of age is

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Question 108

Amongst other countries, Switzerland accounted for 25% of the Indian touristtraffic. It is
known from official. Swiss records that a total of 25 lakh Indian tourists had gone to
Switzerland during the year. What is the number of 30-39 years old Indian tourists who
went abroad in that year?

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Question 109

Based on the information in the above question, what was the volumeoftraffic of Indian
tourists in the US?

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Question 110

On the basis of information in the above two questions, what can be inferred about the number of 50 + year old who visited UK during the year

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