IPM Indore 2019


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 91

In response to my friend's request, I decided to write her a letter, which I hoped would be honest and practical, while also serving as a _________ of sorts for my own feminist thinking. This book is a ______ of that letter, with some details changed.

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Question 92

Quantum Physics really begins to point to this discovery. It says that you can't have a Universe without mind __________ into it, and that the mind is actually __________ the very thing that is being

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One of the statements below contains a word used incorrectly. Choose the option which has the incorrect or inappropriate usage of the word.

Question 93
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Question 94
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Question 95
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Question 96
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Question 97
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The sentences given below, when properly sequenced, form a coherent paragraph.
Each sentence is labelled with a number. Decide on the most logical order and enter the sequence of numbers in the space provided.

Question 98

1. He just harvested the wild grains.
2. The hunter-gatherer went from place to place in search of food.
3. As the crops began to give better yields, this reduced his need to go in search of animals and wild plants.
4. This was followed by an attempt to grow food by scattering the spare grains.

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Question 99

1. People here are one injury away from starvation, one misspoken word away from detainment or death.
2. Soon, however, she notices the lack of access to basic medical care or education.
3. Life in a rural Kashmiri village seems idyllic to Shalini at first, as she's befriending lovely people and admiring majestic natural scenery, especially in contrast to the cacophony of urban Mumbai.
4. Moreover, the ever-present political disruptions mean that life in Kashmir is far from a Shangri-La utopia.

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Question 100

1. The study, published in the Lancet recently, revealed that people living in democratic countries live longer than those who don't; they also have less of a chance of dying from heart disease, strokes, and even road accidents.
2. Incredible as it may sound, we are now told that democracy is not just good for the soul, it is good for the body too.
3. Without pressure from voters or foreign-aid agencies, dictators have less incentive to finance more expensive prevention and treatment of heart disease, cancers, and other chronic illnesses.
4. The study suggests that elections and the health of the people are increasingly inseparable.
5. A study spanning 170 countries found a strong correlation between health and the most form of government.

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