Banking Awareness Test 2


For the following questions answer them individually

Q 1

Canara bank launches CANDI first digital branch in ?

Q 2

Which of the following is the private sector bank in India?

Q 3

The head of SBI is called

Q 4

What is the Limit for PPF investment ?

Q 5

When the rate of inflation decreases over time, it is called โ€ฆ

# Name Overall Score
1 Poulami Bhattacharjee 15
2 Umesh Saini 15
3 SRIKANTH Myana 15
4 Pragati Patra 15
5 Ajaz Ahmad 15
6 Home Decorater 15
7 Rishabh Shah 15
8 Lakshunnaidu Gurugubelli 15
9 Ramya Potlabattini 15
10 Fahumiya Pitchaikani 15

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