Delhi Police Constable 8th Dec 2017 Shift-2


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 1

In the following question, select the related word from the given alternatives.
Knife : Cut : : Rubber : ?

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Question 2

In the following question, select the related letters from the given alternatives.

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Question 3

In the following question, select the related number from the given alternatives.

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Question 4

In the following question, select the odd word from the given alternatives.

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Question 5

In the following question, select the odd letters from the given alternatives.

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Question 6

In the following question, select the odd number pair from the given alternatives.

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Question 7

In the following question, select the odd number paivโ€œom the given alternatives.

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Question 8

How many triangles are there in the given figure?

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Question 9

How many rectangles are there in the given figure?

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Question 10

Which of the following cube in the answer figure can be made based on the unfolded cube in the question figure?

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