CLAT 2019 UG


This section consists of fifty (50) questions. Each question consists of legal principle(s)
(hereinafter referred to as ā€—principleā€˜) and facts. Such proposition may or may not be true in the real and legal sense, yet you have to conclusively assume them to be true for the purposes of this section. Principles have to be applied to the given facts to arrive at the most reasonable conclusion. Only one of the alternatives, i.e., (A), (B), (C), or (D) is the most reasonable conclusion. In other words, in answering the following questions, you must not rely on any principle except the principles that are given herein below for every question. Further you must not assume any facts other than those stated in the question.The objective of this section is to test your ability in legal aptitude, study of law, research aptitude and problem solving ability even if the ā€—most reasonable conclusionā€˜ arrived at may be absurd or unacceptable for any other reason.

Question 121

Principle: Law never enforces an impossible promise.
Facts: 'Aā€˜ made a promise to 'Bā€˜ to discover treasure by magic.

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Question 122

Principle:When a person who has made a promise to another person to do something does not fulfill his promise, another person becomes entitled to receive, from the person
who did not fulfill his promise, compensation in the form of money.
Facts: X made a promise to Y to repair his car engine. Y made the payment for repair. After the repair, Y went for a drive in the same car. While driving the car, Y met with an accident due to bursting of the tyre.

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Question 123

Principle:Whoever takes away any moveable thing from the land of any person without that personā€˜s consent is said to commit theft.
Facts: During his visit to the home of C, A asks B, the son of C, to accompany A to a forest. Neither A nor B inform C in this regard. B accompanies A to the forest.

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Question 124

Principle:Nothing is an offence if it is done in good faith for the purpose of preventing or avoiding greater harm or damage to person or property.
Facts: A jumps into a swimming pool to save a boy from drowning. While pulling the boy from water A was hit by C. A left the boy in the water and attacked C. The boy died in the water.

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Question 125

Principle:Causing of an effect partly by an act and partly by an omission is an offence.
Facts: A did not provide any food to his daughter D. He also confined D in a room. Consequently, D died.

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Question 126

Principle:Nothing is an offence which is done in the exercise of the right of private defence. Nothing is an offence which is done in madness.
Facts: A, under the influence of madness, attempts to kill B. B to save his life kills A.

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Question 127

A man is guilty of not only for what he actually does but also for the consequences of his doing
Facts: A wanted to kill the animal of B. He saw B standing with his animal and fired a gun shot at the animal. The gun shot killed B.

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Question 128

Principle:Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the decision of a person to enter into a contract is not fraud.
Facts: A sells to B (Aā€˜s daughter who is a minor) a horse which A knows to be unsound. A says nothing to B about the unsoundness of the horse.

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Question 129

Principle:Whoever attempts to commit the offence of cheating, commits an offence.
Facts: A with an intention to defraud B, obtains from him an amount of Rs. 500.

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Question 130

Principle:Whoever by words publishes any imputation concerning any person is said to defame that person.
Facts: During a marriage ceremony, A circulated a pamphlet saying sister of the bride ā€—Sā€˜ is a thief, she has stolen the shoes of the bridegroom.

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