CLAT 2015


Recently, the answers of a test held nationwide were leaked to a group of unscrupulous people. The investigative agency has arrested the mastermind and nine other people A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H and I in this matter. Interrogating them, the following facts have been obtained regarding their operation. Initially, the mastermind obtains the correct answer-key.
All the others create their answer-key from one or two people who already possess the same. These people are called his/her “sources”. If the person has two sources, then he/she compares
the answer-keys obtained for both sources. If the key to a question from both sources is identical, it is copied, otherwise it is left blank. If the person has only one source, he/she copies the source’s answer into his/her copy. Finally each person compulsorily replaces one of the answers (not a blank one) with a wrong answer in his/her answer key.

The paper contained 200 questions, so the investigative agency has ruled out the possibility of two or more of them introducing wrong answers to the same question. The investigative agency
has a copy of the correct answer key and has tabulated the following data. This data represents question numbers.

Question 171

Both G and H were sources to…

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Question 172

Which of the following statement is true?

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Question 173

Which of the following two groups of people has identical sources?
I. A, D and G
II. E and H

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In the following question, a group of numerals is given followed by four groups of symbol/letter combinations lettered , , and . Numerals are to be coded as per the codes and conditions. You have to find out which the combinations , , and is correct and indicate your answer accordingly.

Following conditions apply:
1. If the first digit as well as the last digit is odd, both are to be coded as ‘X’
2. If the first digit as well as the last digit is even, both are to be coded as ‘$’
3. If the last digit is ‘O’, it is to be coded as #

Question 174

Find out the combination for: 487692

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Question 175

Find out the combination for: 713540

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Question 176

Find out the combination for: 765082

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Question 177

Find out the combination for: 364819

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Question 178

Find out the combination for: 546839

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From the alternatives given below. Choose the best option that correctly classifies the four sentences as a:
F: Fact: if it relates to a known matter of direct observation, or an existing reality or something know to be true.
J: Judgment: if it is an opinion or estimate or anticipation of common sense or intention.
I: Inference: if it is a logical conclusion or deduction about something based on the knowledge of facts.

Question 179

A. Everyday social life is impossible without interpersonal relationships.
B. The root of many misunderstandings has been cited in poor relations among individuals.
C. Assuming the above to be true, social life will be much better if people understand the importance of good interpersonal relations.
D. A study reveals that interpersonal relations and hence life in general can be improved with a little effort on the part of individuals.

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Question 180

A. The cabinet minister definitely took the wrong step in giving the government contract
B. Under the circumstances, he had many other alternatives.
C. The prime minister is embarrassed due to the minister’s decision.
D. It he has put the government in jeopardy, the minister must resign.

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