CLAT 2008


Select the best option from the four alternatives given and answer the questions.

Question 21

Nobody believed Arun at first, but he to be right.

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Question 22

We can’t making a decision. We have to decide now.

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Question 23

The accident was my fault, so I had to pay for the damage the other car.

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Question 24

I really object people smoking in my house.

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Question 25

A contract may be if the court finds there has been misinterpretation of the facts.

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The five paragraphs given below have all had their constituent sentences jumbled. Read each jumbled passage carefully and then pick the option in which the best sequence is shown.

Question 26

(i) The Supertag scanner could revolutionise the way people shop, virtually eradicating supermarket queues.
(ii) The face of retailing will change even more rapidly when the fibre optic networks being built by cable TV companies begin to be more widely used.
(iii) The scanner would have a double benefit for supermarkets removing the bottleneck which causes frustration to most customers and reducing the number of checkout staff.
(iv) An electronic scanner which can read the entire contents of a supermarket trolley at a glance has just been developed.
The best sequence is:

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Question 27

(i) Of course, modern postal services now are much more sophisticated and faster, relying as they do on motor vehicles and planes for delivery.
(ii) Indeed, the ancient Egyptians had a system for sending letters from about 2000 BC, as did the Zhou dynasty in China a thousand years later.
(iii) Letters, were, and are, sent by some form of postal service, the history of which goes back a long way.
(iv) For centuries, the only form of written correspondence was the letter.
The best sequence is:

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Question 28

(i) Converting money into several currencies in the course of one trip can also be quite expensive, given that banks and bureaux de change charge commission on the transaction.
(ii) Trying to work out the value of the various notes and coins can be quite a strain, particularly if you are visiting more than one country.
(iii) Travel can be very exciting, but it can also be rather complicated.
(iv) One of these complications is, undoubtedly, foreign currency.
The best sequence is:

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Question 29

(i) She was right about three - curiosity, freckles, and doubt - but wrong about love.
(ii) "Four of the things I'd be better without: Love, curiosity, freckles, and doubt."
(iii) Love is indispensable in life.
(iv) So wrote Dorothy Parker, the American writer.
The best sequence is:

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Question 30

(i) This clearly indicates that the brains of men and women are organised differently in the way they process speech.
(ii) Difference in the way men and women process language is of special interest to brain researchers.
(iii) However, women are more likely than men to suffer aphasia when the front part of the brain is damaged.
(iv) It has been known that aphasia - a kind of speech disorder - is more common in men than in women when the left side of the brain is damaged in an accident or after a stroke.
The best sequence is:

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