CAT Exam Calculator Demo – 5 Tips for CAT On-screen calculator

CAT 2019 Exam Calculator - How to use
CAT 2019 Exam Calculator - How to use

Is Calculator allowed for CAT 2023? The answer is No, you cannot bring your own calculator. However, you will be provided with the onscreen virtual calculator in the exam itself.

The online calculator feature first made its appearance in CAT 2015. The calculator underwent a few changes in CAT 2016. In this article, let us have a look at the CAT 2023 calculator that we get to see in the official mock test available in the IIMCAT website.

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Take free CAT mock tests to assess yourself and work on your weak areas. In this article, let us see how to use the CAT 2023 calculator to your maximum advantage.

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CAT 2023 calculator features:

When the online calculator was first introduced in 2015, it was a scientific one. From 2016, CAT features an ordinary calculator with basic functions. The on-screen calculator this year is similar to the one in CAT 2016. There are no major changes in CAT 2017 and CAT 2018.

The calculator is a basic one with provisions to carry out addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Apart from these basic features, there is a provision to find out square root and reciprocal.

The inclusion of the calculator is more of a signal than a utility. Clearly, the emphasis is on cracking the logic rather than checking for math whizzes. Also, the inclusion of calculator helps to reduce the scope to make silly mistakes while calculating.

Tips to use CAT 2023 calculator during the exam:

1. Practise beforehand:

A tool is only as good as the workman is. It is important to be comfortable with using the on-screen calculator before the actual exam. Practice using the calculator a few times before the actual exam. This will help you to familiarize yourself with the interface. Knowing the tool well is crucial.

Also, being comfortable with using the calculator can save a few precious minutes in the exam. Aspirants can try using the on-screen calculator for CAT 2023 for practice.

Explore all the features in the calculator yourself from the official mock test. Get to know about the options present.

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2. Use the calculator only when required:

Avoid jumping at the calculator for all the questions. The on-screen calculator cannot be a substitute for having basic calculation skills. The calculator can give you relief from Vedic maths and speed calculation techniques. But, having decent calculation speed is a prerequisite to ace this exam. Therefore, make sure that you are comfortable in doing basic calculations.
Resort to the calculator only when it is necessary. Refrain using it without need.

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3. Do not hesitate to use the calculator:

This point may seem to be in direct contradiction with the point mentioned before, but it is not. The calculator can be exceptionally handy while dealing with calculation intensive problems. The key is to know when to use the calculator and when not to. This ability to decide is crucial.

Though the concentration of such problems is abysmally low, every year one or two such sets appear in the exam. Exploit such sets. Use the calculator to solve such DI sets and quant questions.

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4. Practise using the calculator in the mocks:

Start using the calculator even in the mock tests you take. This will help you to know when to use the calculator and when to calculate manually. Knowing this line is crucial in this exam.

The calculator can be extremely helpful in finding the cyclicity, higher powers and other such things that will be hard to find manually. Also, you can approximate the options with irrational numbers using the calculator. This will help you to find the answer through logical means. Hence, be open to learning such tricks.

The on-screen calculator can be of great use while finding ratios and comparing the options. Therefore, make sure that you incorporate these little tricks during mock exams itself. These little tricks will help to improve your score. Hence, learn such tricks.

5. When in doubt, resort to the calculator:

If at some point in time you feel insecure about the calculation you made, check it using the calculator. Though some time will be expended, it will help you to proceed without doubting your calculations so far. This can be particularly useful while solving DI sets. Therefore, do not hesitate to use the calculator when needed. Feel free to use it when need arises.

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