The following question follow a definite pattern. Observe the same and fill in the blanks with suitable answers.
$$1\frac{5}{6}, 2\frac{1}{6}, 2\frac{5}{6}, 3\frac{1}{6}, 3\frac{5}{6}, 4\frac{5}{6}, .........$$
$$\frac{2}{2}, \frac{5}{9}, \frac{10}{28}, \frac{17}{65}, \frac{26}{126}, .........$$
The following table gives information about the production of wheat in million tons of 4 major states A, B, C, D from 2014 to 2018. Based on this information given in the table answer the following questions.
In 2017 the states each of which have produced more than 20% of the total production of that year is
The state which has registered highest growth percentage in the production of wheatin the given period is
The percentage increase of wheat by state D corrected to two decimals in the year 2017 over the year 2015 is
Study the following Pie-chart carefully and answer the following questions.
A survey is conducted on 10,500 people of the town to find the various professionals and percentage of female professionals amongst them.
Female architects, female teachers and female designers are what percent of other doctors, other engineers. and other lawyers?