AP ICET 2022 Question Paper Shift-2 (25th July)


In the following questions numbered 1 to 20, a question is followed by data in the form of two statements labelled as I and II You have to decide whether the data given in the statement is sufficient to answer the questions.

Question 1

What is the length of the train A?
I. A passe a pole in 10 sec.
II. A crosses a man standing on a platform $$\frac{1}{6}th$$ of a minute.

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Question 2

What is $$a : b : c$$ ?
I. $$a^{2} + 4b^{2} = 4ab$$
II. $$a^{2} + 5b^{2} + 4c^{2} = 4b(a+c)$$

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Question 3

Is $$x$$ a prim number?
I. $$x$$ leaves remainder 2 when divided by 4.
II. $$x$$ leaves remainder 3 when divided by 5.

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Question 4

What is more efficient among two persons A and B?
I. A and B to getber can complete a job in 10 days.
II. A alone can complete the job in 15 days.

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Question 5

If $$x, y, z \epsilon โ„$$ and $$z \neq 0$$.What is the value of $$\frac{xy}{z^{2}}$$
I. $$x = y$$
II. $$x^{2} + y^{2} = 0$$

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Question 6

15 men can plough a field of 36 acres in 6 days. What is the area that can be ploughed by 25 men?
I. 25 men work for 12 days.
II. Each man works for 8 hours in a day.

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Question 7

What is the statement number that should be subtracted from N to make it perfect square?
I. $$4000 < N < 5000$$
II. $$N = 4628$$

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Question 8

What are the co-ordinates of the point P?
I. P lies on the line which makes an angle of $$45^{\circ}$$ with the $$x$$ - axis.
II. The line passes through origin.

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Question 9

What is the area of the circle?
I. The circle passes thorough 4 vertices of a square.
II. The circle is inscribed in a square of side 10 cm.

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Question 10

Among the real number a and b, is a greater than b?
I. $$a^{2} + b^{2}$$
II. $$\frac{a}{b} = \frac{3}{5}$$

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