AP ICET 2022 Question Paper Shift-1 (25th July)


For the following questions answer them individually

Question 151

If $$x = 9 + 4\sqrt{5}$$, then $$\sqrt{x} =$$

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Question 152

The number of integers k that are divisible by 3 and satisfying the inequality $$-17 < k \leq 12$$ is

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Question 153

The number of positive divisors of 11! is

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Question 154

Three persons A, B and C take 27, 36 and 45 seconds respectively to run around a circular track. If all of them start at a point P on the track at the same time, after how much time (in minutes) all of them meet again at P.

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Question 155

The number of pairs of positive integers a and b with gcd(a ,b) = 23 and a + b = 184 is

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Question 156

The decimal representation of $$\frac{3}{22}$$ is

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Question 157

If $$1\frac{2}{3}+4\frac{5}{6}+7\frac{8}{9}+10\frac{11}{12}=\frac{m}{n}$$ and (m, n) = 1, then m - n =

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Question 158

If $$a_1, a_2, a_3$$ and $$a_4$$ is the decreasing order of the elements in the set $$ \left\{\frac{2}{7}, \frac{7}{15}, \frac{5}{8}, \frac{9}{23}\right\}$$ then $$\frac{a_1 - a_4}{a_1 + a_4}=$$

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Question 159

The smallest fraction among the following fractions is $$\frac{2}{9}, \frac{3}{11}, \frac{4}{13}, \frac{6}{7}$$

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Question 160

The total number of students in a class with 88 girls and the remaining 45% boys is

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