Question 66

Mr. Sandeep was placing an order with his carpenter to make wooden boxes to pack his cotton toys which were to be delivered to his friend. Sandeep wanted 2 types of boxes. The larger one with a dimension of 25cm x 20cm x 5cm and the smaller box with a dimension of 15cm x 12cm x 5cm. Sandeep also told the carpenter that 5% of total surface area is required as extra to cover the overlaps. If the cost of the wood is Rs.4/- cmz, the cost of wood required for supplying 250 boxes of each type would be Rs. ______.
[Note:-D0 NOT include spaces in your answer)

Correct Answer: 2184000


Surface area of one bigger box =2(25×20+20×5+5×25)
By adding 5% for overlaps =1450+72.5=1522.5cm2
Area for 250 bigger boxes =1522.5×250cm2
Cost for 250 bigger boxes =1522.5×250×4=Rs.152250
Surface area of smaller box =2(15×12+12×5+5×15)=630cm2
By adding 5% for overlaps =630+31.5=661.5cm2
Area for 250 small boxes =661.5×250×4=Rs.66150
Total cost =152250+66150=Rs.218400

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