
There is a statement followed by two arguments. Choose the correct option which gives the decision on the arguments, which is derived from the statement.

Question 51

LPG subsidy is a stand taken by the government. Linking of Aadhar card to a bank account has been made mandatory for receiving the subsidy.
Argument I:
All people should give up LPG subsidies.
Argument II:
To fill the gap between poor and rich.


The premise of the question revolves around LPG subsidy being introduced by the government and that in order to receive the subsidy, Linking of Aadhar card to bank account has been made mandatory.

Argument 1 is out of scope as giving up LPG subsidy is not even close to the premise.

Argument 2 also falls under the same category, as there is no mention about the rich and poor in the premise.

Also, when we consider the two arguments together, there is no logical link between the two. So, option D.

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