For the following questions answer them individually
Five students Ajit, Arjun, Chandrima,Debu Shashi have total five books on subjects Physics, Chemistry, Mathematics, Biology and Statistics written by authors Goyal Kapoor,Hansa Sen and basu.Each students has only one book on one of five subjects and each author can write only one book.Goyal is the author of the Physics book which is not owned by Shashi or Ajit.Debu owns the book written by Basu. Chandrima owns the Mathematics book Shashi has the Statistics book which is not written by Kapoor Biology book is written by Sen.
For the following questions answer them individually
If C is older than A but younger to B and D is younger to E but older than C then which of the following can definitely be concluded ?
A is 5 km to the south-west of B and B is 5 km to the south-east of C.If D is 3 km to the north of C then D is to the