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7 months, 3 weeks ago
7 months, 3 weeks ago
Review your mock tests carefully to identify recurring mistakes or patterns.
Understanding why you got certain questions wrong can help you avoid similar errors in the future.
Identify specific areas where you're struggling, such as passage comprehension, critical reasoning, or vocabulary. Allocate more time to these areas to strengthen them.
Ensure that you're not just practicing sets but also working on specific skills like identifying key ideas, understanding argument structures, and discerning nuances in passages.
Please watch the below videos.
Here are few Videos that might help you in improving VARC Section:
How to solve reading comprehension passages in CAT: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iU1oTB9mWGk&pp=ygUlY2F0IHZhcmMgcHJlcGFyYXRpb24gc3RyYXRlZ3kgY3JhY2t1IA%3D%3D
How a working professional scored 99.96%le in CAT | VARC Strategy by Toppers: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PyicZnTzUms&pp=ygUlY2F0IHZhcmMgcHJlcGFyYXRpb24gc3RyYXRlZ3kgY3JhY2t1IA%3D%3D
Strategy to attempt VARC Section ✅
How to improve VARC for CAT 🔴
Strategies to Improve RC Scores:
Boost Your VARC Percentile from 46 to 99.5 - A Proven Strategy with Expert Tips: https://youtube.com/shorts/LXsUN38nxG0?si=CTx3mFjoLX9UPysR
Reading Comprehension Mastery! How to Improve accuracy? | Tips By Sayali Ma'am:
7 months, 3 weeks ago
Reach the threshold for RCs, about 200 RCs, if you are doing 4 daily then, you will reach the target of 200 in 50 days. Do not expect quick results, stick to solving 4-5 RCs daily with article reading, after 30 days you will see improvement. Think of it in terms of medicine, you need a minimum for the drug to be effective. It takes time.
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