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9 years, 3 months ago
in actual cat 2002 question paper, the question(data sufficiency) - "is x=y" how can it be solved? wen i solved, i could also use statement B for solving, whereas in the key they used a diffrent method and i used a different one. the qn and d method i used for statement B is as follows:
is x=y?
A. (x+y)(1/x + 1/y)=4
B. (x-50)^2 = (y-50)^2
in statement B, y cant we take sq roots on both sides n then say tht x=y??? plz help
9 years, 3 months ago
It is not possible as if we take square root of both the equations then x-50 = y-50 or x-50 = 50-y
x = y or x+y = 100.
We are getting 2 conditions from this statement.
If you want better illustration, then take x = 49 and y = 51, equation in statement b still holds true.
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