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1 year, 4 months ago
1 year, 4 months ago
this is not the strategy you should go with guys. This happens because our gut feeling says that option b is correct but it is the option c that is correct( for example). Now why this happens? it happens because for most of us including me or reasoning is flawed or not as good as it needs to be to ace cat varc. So that flaw reflects in our gut feeling about an option. Consequently, the other option is the right one because that is the one with the right reasoning to which we are unable to reach. So keep looking for the reasoning part, why the option is the right and why every other option wrong. Keep on try to understand it and you'll get better at it.
1 year, 4 months ago
I have a solution for this, Go to Swehta Arora's YouTube channel and search for UNTOLD STRATEGIES TO CRACK CAT VARC and in that video go to the time stamp of 29:27, and watch that bit you will get clarity on how to approach this situation or at best it will give you a way to think on how you can solve this problem.
1 year, 4 months ago
the best solution for this is mark that option which you feel less right than the other.
1 year, 4 months ago
you can use BANE theory but it will not be useful becoz if uh use this method you have to focus and pay more attention so the wise thing is to keep your ego aside and move to next one in exam but in mock uh can use it mocks and hope for results
1 year, 4 months ago
our mentor has advised us to go for more general one in that case, else of finding specificity
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