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8 years, 4 months ago
8 years, 4 months ago
hey sridevi, its bit a impractical question... but we can make scores high in English .... actually coming to the subject English mainly comprises of 3 various parts such as verbal, comprehensions and logical reasoning
verbal part you have to develop by starting communicating with the others in simple words and slowly build up your proper grammer and usage of proper words to make the conversation in a good sense
for comprehensions underline the important words you feel and slowly try to read the passage... after that while reading the question you can easily find the answer because of underlined part you can find easily
for logical reasoning the logical brain should be developed.... it can be improvised by taking more type of questions on that part and practicing more number of models on that....
try it... if you again face any problem... post your question here i will help you out.