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8 years, 10 months ago
8 years, 10 months ago
Single Row Arrangement: In this arrangement, people are sitting next to each other in a single row. All of them might be facing the same direction or some of them might be facing the opposite direction.
In Single Row arrangement, it is very important to take hints from phrases such as “sitting left to him”, “sitting on his right”, “sitting to his immediate right” etc.
Depending upon the context of the problem, “right” need not necessarily mean “immediate right”. So, a statement such as “Ravi is sitting to the right of Rakesh” need not necessarily mean that Ravi and Rakesh are sitting next to each other.
Double Row Arrangement: In this arrangement, there are two rows, one behind the other. Generally, people in the two rows are sitting facing each other.
In addition to the hints for single-row arrangement, one has to look out for phrases that give the positions of persons sitting opposite to each other.
Circular Arrangement: In circular arrangement, people are sitting around a circular table, all of them facing towards the center of the table. In some rare cases, people may sit facing away from the center.
When people are sitting facing the center, right side means anti-clockwise direction and left side means clockwise direction.
When people are sitting facing away from the center, right side means clockwise direction and left side means anti-clockwise direction.
Rectangular Arrangement: In this arrangement, people are sitting around a rectangular table such that some people are sitting along the length of the rectangle and some people are sitting along the breadth of the rectangle.