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8 years, 11 months ago
8 years, 11 months ago
Hi Aarti,
Many students tend to prepare for this section by going through all the different sources available on the Internet or in print. This is a very ineffective way of preparing as far as RRB 2016 is concerned. A good way to go about the preparation is to first make a judicious selection of about 4 trusted sources – 2 each for Static GA and Dynamic GA and stick to them. The advantage with this mode of preparation is that the sources keep updating themselves and the student need not bother about whether the answers to the questions are correct or not. After going through the information/quiz in the source, the student should make a note of the important points. These have to be visited after a week. A few weeks of preparation in this way is guaranteed to produce tremendous results.
Check out the following blog to know more about how to prepare for General Awareness for RRB 2016: