SSC CHSL Expected Cut Off 2018

SSC CHSL Expected Cut off 2018 for Tier-1, Tier-2, Tier-3, final selection marks
SSC CHSL Expected Cut off 2018

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SSC CHSL is one of the most sought-after exams in India. SSC CGL aspirants can attempt this exam as a backup option too. SSC CHSL means Staff Selection Commission – Combined Higher Secondary level exam. Before starting preparation, it might be helpful to know about the target that one must be shooting for. In this blog, let us have a look at the SSC CHSL expected cut off 2018.

Try preparing for SSC exams online to improve your chances of getting selected. Also, try solving previous year papers of SSC CHSL exams to familiarise yourself with the questions.

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SSC CHSL exam pattern:

Just like CGL exam, SSC conducts this exam too in multiple tiers. The tier 1 exam is similar to the SSC CGL tier 1 exam. There are no sectional cut offs. The exam contains 4 sections- General reasoning, General intelligence, English language and Numerical ability. The duration of the exam is 60 minutes.

The marks that an aspirant scores in the tier 1 exam have a major say in the final selection.

The tier 2 exam is a descriptive test. This test has been devised to test the language skills of the aspirants. There will be 2 questions – one on letter writing and one on essay writing. The time duration of the exam is 1 hour. Aspirants must get at least 33 marks (out of 100). Also, the score in tier 2 exam has a bearing on the final selection.

The tier 3 exam is also known as DEST (Data Entry Skill Test). In this exam, SSC assesses the typing skills of the aspirants.

To know about the pattern of the exam in detail, try reading SSC CHSL recruitment notification 2017.

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SSC CHSL expected cut off 2018- Tier 1 exam:

The tier 1 exam is the most important step in the entire process. The marks that a candidate obtains in the tier 1 exam more or less finalises the chances of selection. Unlike the CGL exam, aspirants do not get the chance to bounce back after a poor show. Therefore, aspirants must shoot to score as much as possible in this exam.

Let us have a look at the cut offs from previous years to have an idea. Category Cut Off
1. UR 127.5
2. OBC 120
3. SC 108
4. ST 99

SSC shortlisted aspirants having marks more than the cut offs mentioned.

If the level of difficulty remains the same, aspirants can expect the cut offs to increase slightly. To be on the safer side, one must try to score above 140. Also, the further processes have some luck factor involved. In descriptive paper, one can never be sure of the marks one is likely to get. Therefore, aspirants must maximise their scores in tier 1 exam itself. A score over 160 will give aspirants some decent chances of final selection.

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SSC CHSL expected cut off 2018 – Tier 2 exam:

The cut off for tier 2 exam is 33 marks for all candidates. Aspirants failing to secure 33 marks will be out of the race. Therefore, aspirants must not take this section lightly. Practise for an hour daily. Know the formats of common letters. Also, try to write a passage on some recent happenings every day so that your writing skills remain sharp.

SSC CHSL expected cut off 2018 – Tier 3 exam:

In DEST exam, the cut offs are different for different posts like Lower divisional clerk (LDC) and Data entry operator (DEO). However, we can consider an error rate below 5% to be safe. Practise daily so that the error rate falls below this level.

To be considered for the DEST exam, aspirants must have scored the following marks cumulatively (tier 1 + 2). Tier 3 exam is purely qualifying in nature. Category Cut Off ( Tier 1 + Tier 2)
1. UR 202.5
2. OBC 194
3. SC 182.5
4. ST 172

As we can see, the cut offs are very high. Therefore, scoring nearly 160 marks in the tier 1 exam can give aspirants the much-needed morale boost to perform well in other processes.

We can consider a cumulative score above 215 to be safe for selection this year. Assuming a conservative estimate of 50 marks in tier 2, scoring 160-165 in the tier 1 exam will give aspirants a fighting chance. Therefore, prepare well for the tier 1 exam.

We hope you found this article useful. Also, try reading our blog on SSC CHSL official notification 2017 to know more about the exam pattern.

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