At ZPS international school, nine different subjects – English, Hindi, Sanskrit, History, Geography, Physics, Chemistry, Biology and Mathematics - were taught during nine different periods in a day to the 8th class students. Duration of each period is of 30 minutes and the time gap between any two classes is negligible. The �rst period of the day begins at 8 a.m. and the last period ends at 1:00 p.m. with a 30 minutes recess period in between. Each subject is taught by a different teacher – Mrs. Chopra, Mrs. Sharma, Mrs. Pandey, Mrs. Gupta, Mrs. Joshi, Mrs. Das, Mrs. Ghosh, Mrs. Khan and Mrs. Singh – not necessarily in that order.
Some additional information about these periods routine is also known which is as follows: (i) Mrs. Gupta’s class begins at 9.30 a.m. and is not immediately preceded by Biology or Physics class. (ii) The Mathematics class begins at 8 a.m. and Hindi class ends at noon. (iii) Chemistry is taught by Mrs. Sharma which is held some time after the break. (iv) Mrs. Joshi’s class starts exactly three and a half hours after the end of Mrs. Singh’s class and neither of them teaches Physics. (v) The Geography period starts exactly one hour before the English period starts and neither of them is taken by Mrs. Chopra or Mrs. Khan. (vi) There are exactly three periods between the English period and the Physics period. (vii) The Biology period is neither immediately preceded nor immediately followed by the Hindi period. (viii) There are exactly �ve periods between Mrs. Chopra’s class and Mrs. Joshi’s class. (ix) Mrs. Khan’s class ends at 9 a.m. and the recess is immediately after the Geography class. (x) Biology class is after Mrs. Joshi’s class.
The bar graph given below shows the average score of the students in the respective subjects or teacher’s classes:
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