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Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability
Logical Reasoning
1 month, 2 weeks ago
I'm doing good in LRDI and Quant , but in verbal marks are not stable sometime '30' or sometime '-5'. Can anyone help me to overcome these fluctuations
getting negative marks in VARC what to do??
Scoring around 8to 20 in mock test is there any way to improve my score before November 20th
my varc score is not improving what should I Do now ?
i am giving mocks daily but i am not able to score good marks what should i do???
Hi, need some opinions about CL's Open & Pro mocks VARC?
simcat varc vs cracku varc?
how can i improve RC accuracy, few days back it was better but its getting worse again.
1 month, 3 weeks ago
why cracku varc sectionals is so obessed with donald trump
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