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Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability
Logical Reasoning
1 year, 6 months ago
a certain code language 'ESTATE' is written as 'HSTDTH'. How will'GOURMET' be written in that code?
a certain code language 'ESTATE' is written as 'HSTDTH'. How will 'GOURMET' be written in that code?
1 year, 7 months ago
How to know which question is from which section in LRDI in CAT prev years solved papers?
एक निश्चित कूट भाषा में, 'FRENCH' को '47951217' ''और 'INCOME' को '4712101214' लिखा जाता है। उसी भाषा में 'LUXURY कैसे लिखा जाएगा?
12:20::18:? Reasoning
I am not able to watch video solutions of cracku test series of all the sections. It showing that something went wrong. Please help me out
If a person increase his speed by 37.5% what will be the percentage read equation in time taken each the same distance
I can't solve LRDI questions in Mocks but after the exam ends and the timer stops, I find that I can solve questions with ease.
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