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Quantitative Aptitude
Verbal Ability
Logical Reasoning
1 year, 4 months ago
Thia website have sectional test for rbi Assistant mains exam?
what is bank
59. The sum of the digits to a two digit number is 14. The differ- ence between the first digit and the second digit of the two digit number is 4. What is the two digit number?
(1) 86
(2) 95
(3) 68
(4) 77
(5) None of these
Ramesh likes no other newspaper but the economic times. Find the error
Ssc cpo
In an exam P attempted 40 questions so far and 30% of them are correct. If P attempt remaining z ques out of which Y% are correct, so the number of correct and incorrect question is same. If out of z question attempted 90% are correct so total correct question attempted is (Y+24). Find the total number of questions.
216:6:328 64:4:588 8:2:?
1 year, 5 months ago
216 64 86 4 2328 589 ?
42628%of 45
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